Tuesday, May 3, 2011

padang bulan

No matter how I want to sit down and write I will always find a reason not to, arghhhhh. Today I am determine, at least write something, anything, I have to start writing again. So being guilty for abandoning my passion I want to write about a book I've read, written by Andrea Hirata. I love his writing, love the way he plays around with words, how I wish I could write like him.
Andrea Hirata author of Lasykar pelangi had come with a new book entitled Padang bulan and cinta dalam gelas. He still maintain his cheekiness ( is there such word he he) in writing. A story about a women against all odds surviving after the death of her father. "Ajar aku benda yang paling sukar dan aku akan belajar"( teach me the hardest lesson and I will learn) is her moto in life. Ops! my class had started have to go.

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