Monday, May 25, 2009


I broke my own promise to my self, because I promise my self to write more posting in my blog but I broke it. What can I do, I am only human or can we say to err is human as an excuse to break promises, to come late or to make mistakes. When are we going to start and put the blame on ourselves. Being human is not an excuse to make mistakes because if it is, what about animals are there not allowed to make mistake or do they make mistake, hmmm now I wonder do animal make mistake, What do you think? But to think of it we have the ability to think better, we have the ability to feel emitions, then why can't we take responsibilty of our own mistake why do we say it is normal for human to make mistake. Sorry to write nonsense well what can I say I am only human.


  1. learn from your mistakes, then you will come more perfect!!! betul ke..???

  2. Be wary! Blogging might be addictive ... hih hi hi hi ....

  3. humans are allowed to mumble. So feel free to do so whenever u feel like it.
