Monday, June 28, 2010

Enjoying life

I felt that after a very long time, I started to enjoy life again. I cycle everyday and on my kapcai vrooming here and there. I notice many of my friends found new passions, some love to run up to the point they entered running competition some enjoyed entering treasure hunts and some enjoyed travelling to many new places. As for me I really love to cycle but I don't think I would enter any cycling competitions he he. I just cannot cycle fast enough. And my dream is to travel around the world and travel around Malaysia on a bike, alone or with friends I just would not care.

My whole life I never been out of Malaysia except for once when I was 9 my mother took me to Singapore. I really hope one day I could travel out of Malaysia. My first destination would be Mecca performing umrah or haj. After that maybe I would start with Malaysia's neighbouring countries like Singapore and Indonesia. So how do I make my dream a reality. Any suggestions my friends


  1. Simpan duit..and with Air Asia now everybody can fly!

  2. Rita chase your dreams, we are what we make of it..

    i'm dreaming of Running New York marathon one day :)

  3. Start simple. Go to destinations that are very near Malaysia like Batam or Koh Lipe. You can go to JB and take a ferry to Batam. Similarly, you can go to Langkawi and take a ferry to Koh Lipe.


  4. Cikgu, come Singapore I teman you jalan jalan. 8D

  5. Hello Lally, remember me? Uncle Lee. Long time no see. How you doin'?
    Glad to read you have new interests....
    Your kids okay?

    Re your interest in travelling, why not check out with the China Embassy....they always looking for teachers to teach English in China.
    Three of our friends did, 2 years contract....and enjoyed their work as well see the country....paid for too.

    Anyway, here's wishing you all the very best, Lally.....keep well, and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  6. ha ha ha.. start to love cycling is juz because u want to keep slim kan :) GAMBATTE!!!
