It's nice to meet with old friends and at the same time it felt weird because I was expecting to see an 18 years old boy and suddenly a 36 years old matured man standing in front of me.
For all the single ladies out there, here is an eligible bachelor, financially stable, a good muslim with a quality of a good husband and father.
When everybody is aging, for Fizah the process seems to reversed, she is slimmer, more radiant and she even look younger too.
So how about you, missing any oldfriends lately.?
I remember that Ojah from your stories..still single? Is it because both of you and Fiza are taken? Ha ha ha..bilalah nak jumpa pulak kita ni..
ReplyDeleteWe still have reunions... the girls from my high school. Some of them I've known since I was 11. It's amazing we're still friends after so long.
ReplyDeleteHaah oja tu lah, still single want to suggest anybody? ntah le nani asyik tak de rezeki je kan nak jumpa.
ReplyDeleteaizan, its good for you to be able to saty in contact with your old friend.
Fuyoo Rita!! Whats a good compliment.. kembang sehh ;) ha ha. Ops, aku pun mcm org lain.. ada good/bad things gak. BTW hang still mcm dulu, sgt humble.. BEST !!! Cuma Huda x jumpa lg.. next perhaps.
ReplyDelete* Nani tu yg gambar berdua dgn hang bwh pokok dulu tu ker? Che Kot camner la ni?
Nani, yang tu lah. Cik Kot putus hubungan aku cuba gak contact tapi tak berjaya. harap-harap dia terjumpalah blog aku ni boleh berhubungan semula
ReplyDeleteWah...jealous lah. Tak dpt pulak kita join sekali. Takpelah, at least awak letak gambar depa kat sini.
Haah, btul cakap awak. Si Fizah tu makin nampak muda. APa agaknya rahsia dia. Amacam Fizah, share le petua...hehehe
Bila awak pi jumpa member kat Ipoh tu, jangan lupa dtg jenguk kita sekali. Iyalah, kita pun tak tau berapa lama aje ada lagi kat sini. Ingat tau!
Insyaallah huda, kalau ada rezeki boleh kita sampai rumah awak. Awak ada plan nak kemana-mana ke
ReplyDeleterita...bloh ko nih nampaknya jadi jejak kasih lak yer...hehehe...
ReplyDeletetak ader petua aper2 huda...agaknya banyak ketawa kot...menceriakan diri sendiri...
kalau jumpe mesti kecoh kan...