I hope this old blog of mine still have readers for I've abandoned it like an abandon ship. Sunk and forgotten. I have no excuse for that, I just cannot say I don't have time since I have time to open my facebook. I cannot say blogging is no longer a passion of mine because blogging still gives me satisfaction because here is the place for me to write out my mind. May be I am out of ideas, because writing is not an easy thing to do ( hope some of you would agree with me, please!!!!). I admit I am guilty. I spend more time facebooking for one reason, I found many of my old friends, friends I thought would be impossible to find. Not only meeting them in cyber space some I meet in person and some we plan to meet outside the cyber space. Yuhoooo I am happy.
I am an ordinary woman, a teacher and a mother. These are my stories, my ups and downs, my happiness and sadness, my passion, my love and my life
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Meeting old friends
Monday, June 28, 2010
Enjoying life
I felt that after a very long time, I started to enjoy life again. I cycle everyday and on my kapcai vrooming here and there. I notice many of my friends found new passions, some love to run up to the point they entered running competition some enjoyed entering treasure hunts and some enjoyed travelling to many new places. As for me I really love to cycle but I don't think I would enter any cycling competitions he he. I just cannot cycle fast enough. And my dream is to travel around the world and travel around Malaysia on a bike, alone or with friends I just would not care.
My whole life I never been out of Malaysia except for once when I was 9 my mother took me to Singapore. I really hope one day I could travel out of Malaysia. My first destination would be Mecca performing umrah or haj. After that maybe I would start with Malaysia's neighbouring countries like Singapore and Indonesia. So how do I make my dream a reality. Any suggestions my friends
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hari guru 2010
Hari ini rasanya aku nak ubah bahasa kepada Bahasa Malaysia dan mungkin lepas ni akan diselang selikan bahasa dengan bahasa Inggeris. sekurang-kurangnya dapat aku memantapkan penggunaan kedua-dua bahasa. Selepas membaca karya andrea hirata penulis dari indonesia itu aku menjadi teringin untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia. jadi ini akan menjadi permulaannya.
Hari guru tahun ini bertemakan hitam, putih dan emas, kombinasi yang sangat pelik. Kenapa aku katakan pelik, kerana kami bukan menyambutnya di hotel tetapi di tengah tapak perhimpunan yang amatlah panasnya kalau panas dan amatlah basahnya kalau hujan. warna emas akan memantul-mantulkan sinaran matahari pada hari yang panas. Ish tak sanggup aku mengalami situasi itu. Aku dan kawan-kawan telah cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencari baju yang memenuhi tema itu, hmm bukan satu tugas yang mudah untuk mencari baju yang berwarna emas di Malaysia ni. Akhirnya kami berpakat untuk memakai baju yang berwarna coklat dengan manik-manik emas. pada mulanya kami bertiga berpakat untuk memakai baju yang sama tetapi pada saat akhir salah seorang rakan aku telah belot.
Pada hari kejadian cuaca sangat elok tiada panas dan tiada hujan, mungkin allah tahu apa yang bergelodak dibenak kami. Tetapi aku merasakan sambutan pada tahun ini agak kurang meriah. entahlah mungkin itu cuma perasaan aku sahaja. Dengan ini aku persembahkan gambar yang sempat dicuri pada sambutan hari guru tahun ini.
Inilah masanya untuk para pelajar membuli cikgu-cikgu mereka. bermacam permainan yang agak tidak munasabah mereka rancang untuk kami
Itulah dia siapa yang suruh datang tak bawak kerusi sendiri. Pn Yusnita dan Pn Faizatul bermain kerusi bermuzik.
siapalah seorang guru tanpa anak muridnya. bersama dengan pelajar-pelajr 5S1
senyuman ini mungkin khas untuk seseorang, mungkin juga siapa tahukan.

jangan cepat sangat membuat andaian, ini gambar bersama dengan adik kesayangan kami semua
Ini lah rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang sama sekepala.
bersama salah seorang pengawas, Salwah Rosdi
Kami semua hantu kamera, pantang ada peluang ntah kamera siapa masuk je.Tapi kenapa yang dua lagi tu duduk bersembunyi di belakang aku ye. saje nak nampak kuruslah tu. (Mek Zu, Hasiah tak de maknanya korang duduk sembunyi belakang aku, ini namanya tak dapat terima kenyataan kalau badan tu dah makin naik)
Sedondon sama sepasang, inlah dia three stooges yang kehilangan seorang ahli yang belot
Kawan-kawan semeja. Pn Hasiah Ramli (dialah yang belot he he sorry ye hasiah terkutuk engkau), Pn Norizan, Pn Zunaidah, Pn Sharifah madinah, Pn Zu Aniza (inilah penerima guru paling anggun seisi pagi) dan yang duduk tu siapa lagi kalau bukan akuleh tu. sekian saja persembahan untuk hari ini. Sampai jumpa lagi. Asalamualaikum
Hari guru tahun ini bertemakan hitam, putih dan emas, kombinasi yang sangat pelik. Kenapa aku katakan pelik, kerana kami bukan menyambutnya di hotel tetapi di tengah tapak perhimpunan yang amatlah panasnya kalau panas dan amatlah basahnya kalau hujan. warna emas akan memantul-mantulkan sinaran matahari pada hari yang panas. Ish tak sanggup aku mengalami situasi itu. Aku dan kawan-kawan telah cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencari baju yang memenuhi tema itu, hmm bukan satu tugas yang mudah untuk mencari baju yang berwarna emas di Malaysia ni. Akhirnya kami berpakat untuk memakai baju yang berwarna coklat dengan manik-manik emas. pada mulanya kami bertiga berpakat untuk memakai baju yang sama tetapi pada saat akhir salah seorang rakan aku telah belot.
Pada hari kejadian cuaca sangat elok tiada panas dan tiada hujan, mungkin allah tahu apa yang bergelodak dibenak kami. Tetapi aku merasakan sambutan pada tahun ini agak kurang meriah. entahlah mungkin itu cuma perasaan aku sahaja. Dengan ini aku persembahkan gambar yang sempat dicuri pada sambutan hari guru tahun ini.
Itulah dia siapa yang suruh datang tak bawak kerusi sendiri. Pn Yusnita dan Pn Faizatul bermain kerusi bermuzik.
siapalah seorang guru tanpa anak muridnya. bersama dengan pelajar-pelajr 5S1
senyuman ini mungkin khas untuk seseorang, mungkin juga siapa tahukan.

jangan cepat sangat membuat andaian, ini gambar bersama dengan adik kesayangan kami semua
Ini lah rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang sama sekepala.

bersama salah seorang pengawas, Salwah Rosdi

Kami semua hantu kamera, pantang ada peluang ntah kamera siapa masuk je.Tapi kenapa yang dua lagi tu duduk bersembunyi di belakang aku ye. saje nak nampak kuruslah tu. (Mek Zu, Hasiah tak de maknanya korang duduk sembunyi belakang aku, ini namanya tak dapat terima kenyataan kalau badan tu dah makin naik)

Sedondon sama sepasang, inlah dia three stooges yang kehilangan seorang ahli yang belot
Kawan-kawan semeja. Pn Hasiah Ramli (dialah yang belot he he sorry ye hasiah terkutuk engkau), Pn Norizan, Pn Zunaidah, Pn Sharifah madinah, Pn Zu Aniza (inilah penerima guru paling anggun seisi pagi) dan yang duduk tu siapa lagi kalau bukan akuleh tu. sekian saja persembahan untuk hari ini. Sampai jumpa lagi. Asalamualaikum
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Another lost
My brother in law had passed away last Saturday morning after suffering from colon cancer for more than a year. He spent his last few months bedridden.My sister was with him till his last breath. Her children were younger than my mine when my husband died. Her daughter Nana is 8, same age as Omar and her son Danish is 4. Danish is still very young to understand what had happened, but he did ask my sister late in the evening " mama, where is papa". Now our small family had become even smaller with only 3 widower and 5 orphans.
Sometimes it is hard not to feel inferior to others when all you had to give are bad news. I did tell a friend of mine that she had changed, I had no other intention just to tell her how I felt. I know I upset her and I am sorry for what I did, but sometimes when you went through so many hardship in life you tend to be unpleasant to other people especially to your friends. sometimes you become jealous of what they had, I am happy for my friends when they are happy and have a good life, I do but sometimes deep inside me I felt lonely, envy and I felt that my friends don't deserved to be with me for I will only bring bad news and dark cloud to them. So for those whose heart I hurt please forgive me, I never intended to make you unhappy when you wanted to share your happiness with me, it's just me.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Series of unfortunate events
This loyal car of mine has a series of unfortunate events these few weeks. Firstly it was hit by a car. When people say you cannot stop from things to happened they sure are not joking. Because on that day and on that particular time a lady who had stopped driving for 7 year decided to drive her car and also at that particular time I took my sons to have a hair cut ( I've been postponing this for a few weeks). So when our car went face-to face the lady's car decided to touch my car door. What can I do but just look at her looking at me but did not stop her car. I keep my coolness I did not shout at her or use forbidden words. Waited for her to reverse her car, but her car just won't budge.
What the ****(please fill in with the word that you feel is suitable) is she doing. so I got out from my car( How do I manage to get out from my car if she hit my car door which is obviously on the driver's side you might think, It is not easy I have to say) , she also came out from her car and slowly she said, Kak, can you move my car. What! now I had to move her car, actually I pity her, her face is so pale and I saw her children are in the car and also her mother is in it too. I get in her car and reverse it. To make a long story short, she promise to pay for my car damages which had been repaired except for the paint job because I need to use the car.
A week later another unfortunate event happened which involve my car and an Ice lorry. However this story have to wait because I need to get my children to take a bath now. So see you soon.
What the ****(please fill in with the word that you feel is suitable) is she doing. so I got out from my car( How do I manage to get out from my car if she hit my car door which is obviously on the driver's side you might think, It is not easy I have to say) , she also came out from her car and slowly she said, Kak, can you move my car. What! now I had to move her car, actually I pity her, her face is so pale and I saw her children are in the car and also her mother is in it too. I get in her car and reverse it. To make a long story short, she promise to pay for my car damages which had been repaired except for the paint job because I need to use the car.
A week later another unfortunate event happened which involve my car and an Ice lorry. However this story have to wait because I need to get my children to take a bath now. So see you soon.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
To potong or not to potong
Yes another re run on broadband. I really had it with mobile broadband. To potong is not my choice because I am already terpotong. As I told you before, my case with Telekom Malaysia, where they refuse to stand another telephone pole near my house since there are only two houses left without fixed line connection. So, I had to use mobile broadband for my internet connection. My first experience with mobile broadband is with Digi, I guess the yellow ghost don't work with Internet because the speed is so slow, I can sleep while downloading and after I woke up my computer still hadn't finish. Then I turn to Celcom, this time it is a bit better, still I wasn't satisfied with the speed, very slow, but this time when I woke up my computer had finish downloading.
May be the known telecommunication co had problem in handling demands, that was what I thought when I change to U mobile. I was their first few customer I presumed because every time I mentioned that I am using U mobile people would ask me, "what is that?". Some thought it is a product from Digi. Excuse me after my experience with Digi, do you really think I would use their product again. U mobile seldom gave me any problem, I used it for two years and I really got a good bargain, because I only need to paid RM 50 to get the USB modem and RM 78 monthly, nothing else. I also am satisfied with the speed for I can watch U tube now even though I still need to wait a few minutes for it to be fully downloaded. However, there is one big glitch, the warranty for the USB modem is only one year. and at exactly the 2nd year my modem is broken. So I decided to change to P1Wimax. So I Potong even though I am already terpotong. Now 2 computer can connect to the net simultaneously ( this I like because less fighting in the house on whose turn to go online). However even though now I am paying more then U mobile which is RM 99 per month, I am really not satisfied with the service because now the speed is slow and also the connection is always interrupted. Arrghh, I had 2 years contract with them so I have to be very patient for this 2 years before I can change to another broadband provider.
May be the known telecommunication co had problem in handling demands, that was what I thought when I change to U mobile. I was their first few customer I presumed because every time I mentioned that I am using U mobile people would ask me, "what is that?". Some thought it is a product from Digi. Excuse me after my experience with Digi, do you really think I would use their product again. U mobile seldom gave me any problem, I used it for two years and I really got a good bargain, because I only need to paid RM 50 to get the USB modem and RM 78 monthly, nothing else. I also am satisfied with the speed for I can watch U tube now even though I still need to wait a few minutes for it to be fully downloaded. However, there is one big glitch, the warranty for the USB modem is only one year. and at exactly the 2nd year my modem is broken. So I decided to change to P1Wimax. So I Potong even though I am already terpotong. Now 2 computer can connect to the net simultaneously ( this I like because less fighting in the house on whose turn to go online). However even though now I am paying more then U mobile which is RM 99 per month, I am really not satisfied with the service because now the speed is slow and also the connection is always interrupted. Arrghh, I had 2 years contract with them so I have to be very patient for this 2 years before I can change to another broadband provider.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Have you ever gossip about your teachers or lecturers, or should I rephrase it to, who haven't gossip about their teachers or lecturer. I caught my girls gossiping about their teachers in facebook. hmm I guess they forgot they are my fb friends. So, to my girls be careful what you write in your fb, for I might be lurking like a snake in a bush. I was in their shoe once, so I understand but a reminder to my girls teachers are human to, they have feelings. It is okay to gossip about teachers but don't get too carried away. I remember my teachers, some really gave a big impact, some just filling in a chapter in my life. My dream is to be a teacher who can make a change in my students life, however it is not an easy things to do. I give my all when I am teaching, somehow it seems not enough.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
office politics
As you grow older life seems more complicated. The person you thought is your friend might be your biggest enemy. It is even harder to trust people, they might stab you at the back anytime. I remember as a student, friends are the person whom I will turn to, when I had a problem.
I have no problem being friends with anyone, but never to close, not like when I was studying. When you befriend with everybody, it is confusing because people seems to want you to be on their side. I am the quiet type of person, I love to listen rather than talk and I guest it is the reason why I can get along with anybody. When people said bad things about other people I just let it passed through me. I also had hearing problem, I can't hear well( guess it come with age and listening to walkman during my younger day has it's effect) , in this case it is a blessing because when people talk about others I just nod but the truth is I just cannot hear clearly what they are talking about.
Office politics is a very dangerous thing, it can make your working life miserable and even worse it can jeopardise your job. Some people can be so cruel and very selfish, and most dangerously when these type of people started to gang up. They can say nice things to you but 2o minutes later they trash you out behind your back.
Have you ever met such people?
I have no problem being friends with anyone, but never to close, not like when I was studying. When you befriend with everybody, it is confusing because people seems to want you to be on their side. I am the quiet type of person, I love to listen rather than talk and I guest it is the reason why I can get along with anybody. When people said bad things about other people I just let it passed through me. I also had hearing problem, I can't hear well( guess it come with age and listening to walkman during my younger day has it's effect) , in this case it is a blessing because when people talk about others I just nod but the truth is I just cannot hear clearly what they are talking about.
Office politics is a very dangerous thing, it can make your working life miserable and even worse it can jeopardise your job. Some people can be so cruel and very selfish, and most dangerously when these type of people started to gang up. They can say nice things to you but 2o minutes later they trash you out behind your back.
Have you ever met such people?
Monday, January 11, 2010
facebook anyone
I've joined facebook, so when the school session started my students would say " hah teacher you have facebook ye" many of them had became my friends, many of them were my ex-students whom i have lost contact with. It is amazing how small the world had became, no matter where you are, you can still be in contact with anybody you want and sometimes it feel as if they are next door.
Even though facebook amaze me, somehow for some reasons I seems to not be able to write there. I don't know what to write there. Some people write almost everything they did everyday, some just want to show off their loved ones, some love to send hugs and kisses like zanas ( thanks for all the hugs and kisses, I 'm still waiting for the scrapbook though). As for me it seems to be nothing interesting to share even when if there is, I would prefer to blog about it.
One of the reasons why I don't like to write updates on facebook is because all my friend are there, my students are there, my ex school mate are there my ex collage mate are they my blogger friends are there hmm everybody are there so I felt a bit inferior may be because my life is not as interesting and as successful as them. I use to be a shy and timid person and still is I guess. I am more comfortable with my blogger friends.
So what about you , what do feel about facebook.
Even though facebook amaze me, somehow for some reasons I seems to not be able to write there. I don't know what to write there. Some people write almost everything they did everyday, some just want to show off their loved ones, some love to send hugs and kisses like zanas ( thanks for all the hugs and kisses, I 'm still waiting for the scrapbook though). As for me it seems to be nothing interesting to share even when if there is, I would prefer to blog about it.
One of the reasons why I don't like to write updates on facebook is because all my friend are there, my students are there, my ex school mate are there my ex collage mate are they my blogger friends are there hmm everybody are there so I felt a bit inferior may be because my life is not as interesting and as successful as them. I use to be a shy and timid person and still is I guess. I am more comfortable with my blogger friends.
So what about you , what do feel about facebook.
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