Omar is happy because now he get pocket money, RM 1 for the morning school and RM 1 for the afternoon school. He told me he wanted to save the money to buy toys as I told my kids if they wanted to buy toys or anything other than food or books they have to save their own money.
As for me I am still teaching Physics and also was appointed as the library teacher. Now my friends I really need an advice on how to make my school library more conducive and inviting. As you can see here the library is sooo dull and the lighting is dim.
this photo let me recall back many happy time in SMK (P) Bukit Kuda...
ReplyDeleteIt's back to school time like the pic He!He!He! here read this . We've joined together as classmates
ReplyDeleteas the new year begins...
A year full of learning
while we become friends.
We'll share and be kind
as we work and play.
And our friendship will grow
with each passing day.
Wishing you well
Anak-anak dah besar rupanya & dah tentu selok belok nak uruskan anak. Bagaimana agaknya perasaan ibu bapa bila anak-anak buat ragam macam baju comot, hilang bekas pensil, botol air kena curi etc...?
ReplyDeletewell...aku ni bab make-up library mmg le x tau. lg2 le library sek men. klu tadika atau keb boleh le. bdk2 kicik suka colour..bdk2 beso dah x main kale2 ni.
ReplyDeleteHope...anak2 nko boleh adapt ngan sek baru dan suasana baru.
This hardship will make your kids grow up to be tough and independent. That I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteAnd about the library. May I suggest painting the book racks a more vibrant colour? It'll definitely cheer the place up.
vivian, absent will make the heart go fonder he he. I also misses my old school.
ReplyDeleteFriends during our schooldays are friend who accept us for who we are.
ReplyDeleteakak dah foresee semua kemungkinan jadi baju akak beli jenis kain yang senang gosok dan senang basuh, bekas air RM 1.80 satu, pensil awal tahun akak akan beli 3 kotak dan simpan begitu juga dengan pemadam dan pembaris. Budak-budak bukan macam orang dewasa memang adatnya diaorang begitu jadi untuk mengelakkan kita hilang sabar kenalah bersedia. Tapi selalu jugak kena leter terutama yang dah besar dua org tu kalau tak diorang tak belajar.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the idea, I am going to paint the last three racks white colour since those are old racks. Anymore ideas.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullilah nampaknya anak aku masing-masing boleh adapt.
Pasal library tu aku rasa warna cerah memainkan peranan jugak kot
Assalamualaikum Rita,
ReplyDeleteHehehe...sorry le lama x singgah. Hmmm bila cerita bab library nie, teringat time kita muda2 dulu selalu pi library JB naik bas. Iya tak Rita? Thankx for being my best library buddy :)
Mmg selayaknye le awak jadi library teacher...memandangkan kita dulu kan fav pi lepak kat library. Utk jadikan library tu lebih menarik pd students, kita ada beberpa cadangan;
1. Build/Develop a cosy library corner. Kira cam ada carpet, throw pillows, kerusi2 sandar yg kecik2 & rendah. Oish...kalau ada tmpt cam nie kat library, mesti best nak landing kan?
2. Jauh kan study area dari reading & discussion area. Boring lah library yg stuffy & silent. Mmg le kita tak boleh bising kat library tp takde le sampai kena senyap cam kubur kot.
3. Adakan tema utk library yg berubah mengikut masa. Mungkin sebulan sekali tema boleh diubah. Conthonya utk bulan Feb..."love throughout history" or "love in literature". Maklumlah, girls sure aware ttg love in Feb so...boleh ambil kesempatan atas curiosity depa. Apa lagi, boleh le kedepankan buku2 yg berkaitan.
Wow...nampaknya, kita nie syok sendiri kan? Mana le cikgu ada masa nak buat benda2 mcm tu ...dah le loading mengajar pun tinggi. Sorry ! Mmg cita2 nak jd librarian atau book store owner. Tp tergendala pulak. Doa kan le...mana tau ada rezeki...hehehe
Hi Laily, my time school days dapat sepuluh sen, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteLooking at your library, why not add couple more lights? As well put up some plants too.
And paint some pastel colours on the sides of the shelves?
Okay chegu, here's wishing you and family a pleasant weekend, Lee.
NO! NO! NO! Not white!
ReplyDeleteThe main idea is to make the racks the focal point of the library... if you paint it white, it'll just blend in the background.
Paint it red, or bright green, or orange.... that'll attract the kids to the books.
ok, these are the things in our library - give the racks some new colours (as suggested by aizan), carpeting for the floor (coz hard flooring will only be noisy with stepping feet around), few fun sofas (or bean bag!!) here and there, few sets of standard tables and chairs, good lighting for reading eyes, a corner displaying recommended books, and perhaps some artsy works or essays by the students on a wall or board.
ReplyDeleteNajid pun suke the newfound freedom..dia ada duit, so boleh decide apa nak beli tiap hari. Sekarang ni dia tengah gila nak belajar naik basikal sebab nampak ada budak2 pergi sekolah naik basikal!
ReplyDeleteAku suka kau tambah lighting kat library tu bagi terang..putih buat rak tu nampak bersih dan kemas. Yg penting banyakkan buku2 menarik dan adakan sudut lepak sorang2. Aku masih ingat library favourite aku kat sekolah dulu ada macam corner utk sape2 yg nak menyediri..aku selalu menyelit kat situ berjam2 dan lost in my world with books!
Ermm.. aku pun stuju kalau hang wujudkan ruang santai berkarpet. At least dapat membaca sambil melunjur kaki jadila.. So, kat tepi dinding tu hang lekatkan la pengalas badan utk bersandar. Kira enjoy gak baca buku gaya camtu. Nak meniarap mmg tak dapat la.
ReplyDeleteDan kalau tidak terlaluan.. boleh gak dimainkan easy listening music kat area tu dgn volume yg cukup-cukup dengar jer. Lighting mmg kena tambah sbb suasana malap/kelam sememangnya mengantukkan disamping perbanyakkan tumbuhan hijau bg menyegarkan pandangan.
Ops.. pesan Eric Leong, wujudkan titik tumpu bg memikat mata yg selalu ingin memandang arah yg cantik.
Wah huda banyaknya idea thanks, insyaallah kite tengah dok mengubah suailah ni. tapi throw pillow tak boleh dah pernah buat dulu bebudak tido kat library.
ReplyDeleteLee, dulu 10 sen banyak boleh dapat ,
ReplyDeleteby the way I've painted the shelves cheese colour.
Wow so may ideas, thank you all, I've painted the shelves cheese colour, carpet is a big no because there is no air condition in the library, still waiting for the fund, so I use tikar getah instead
ReplyDeletePillow is also a big no because, before this we do have a recreational reading conner with pillows but some girls slept in that conner. So I hope you will wait patiently for the final result.